Natural Stable Channel Design with Bio-Technical Slope Stabilization
Harris County Flood Control District, White Oak Bayou
Prime Consultant and Engineer of Record for the Design of HCFCD 125-00-00-X07
- Natural Stable Channel Design (NSCD) with Bio-technical Stabilization for 3,600 ft of channel is being accomplished by performing
- Geomorphic stream conditions assessments, and the watershed characterization
- Flow analysis, and detailed study of the terrain where erosion failures are evident
- Geotech assessments for consolidation, rapid drawdown, and slope stability for the design flows
- HEC-RAS assessments to evaluate the design alternatives and ensure they do not introduce downstream impacts.
- Tailored use of bent weirs, bio-logs, live stakes, mac-mat, MacRay-anchors for erosion control
- Low-Impact-Design using Bio-Stabilization technique and earth reinforcement with geo-grid in the upstream stretch
- Traditional Riprap design and Gabions for stabilizing the upper banks of the selective Natural Stable Channel sections.
- Existing ROW and the encroachments are addressed to optimize the channel configuration
- Section 404 Nationwide Permit was obtained from USACE for channel realignment and rehabilitations.